, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: Ellen says gun violence is disheartening and Hillary Clinton is the best to curb it

Monday, August 8, 2016

Ellen says gun violence is disheartening and Hillary Clinton is the best to curb it


Ellen DeGeneres has told Sky News she is "outraged" at police brutality in the US but believes Hillary Clinton can be the woman to change things.

The actress and talk show host was speaking as she promoted her new film Finding Dory, about a blue tang fish with short-term memory loss.

DeGeneres said she understands the anger following the shootings of two black men in Minnesota and Louisiana in recent weeks.

Their deaths led to the killing of five police officers at Black Lives Matter demonstration in Dallas, Texas.

"I feel like it's heartbreaking. Look, I know what it feels like to not be a part of mainstream and to feel like you're not being respected and given equal rights. 

"So I understand the outrage and I'm, I think like most people, outraged at what's been happening and think there should be more accountability.

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