, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: Outrage on Instagram as picture of OPEN CASKET of rapper #RIPLorScoota is posted.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Outrage on Instagram as picture of OPEN CASKET of rapper #RIPLorScoota is posted.

I lived in Baltimore 20 years of my 30 years in the United States and I know these kind of rappers who were always on the side of the community being safe. I wanted to be at this viewing to see the humble face cut down. I watched all his videos, interviews and cried when I saw his casket photo.

We understand some people are outraged and call it disrespect to the family as the killer will also be watching right? However we are in the social media age so it's almost impossible to hide this picture. It is well people.

It is now time to snitch or you are part of the problem. like I said after rapper Bankroll Fresh was killed. If you know the killer and don't tell cops, u are part of the problem. You can even sent tips anonymously. 

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