, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: #Dallas Gunman Micah Johnson had MILITARY skills to execute such a SNIPER ambush

Saturday, July 9, 2016

#Dallas Gunman Micah Johnson had MILITARY skills to execute such a SNIPER ambush

Micah Johnson, handout pic
Micah Johnson/AFP

The Dallas Sniper attack was a serious one. 11 police officers were shot and 5 died and yet we have so many people celebrating the cop attacks.

Snipers are not a new thing in Dallas. you are talking about a city where a whole US President JFK was killed in a similar sniper attack. Micah Johnson acted alone.

The man accused of killing five police officers in a gun attack during a protest rally in Dallas, acted alone, officials believe.

"We believe now the city is safe," Mayor Mike Rawlings said.
Bomb-making material, rifles and a combat journal were found at the home of Johnson, who was himself killed.

The Dallas protest was against the killing of black men by police, and similar rallies drew thousands across many US cities on Friday.

The demonstrations followed the police killings of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana. Dallas police chief David Brown and US Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson also said the gunman appeared to have acted alone, although Texas Governor Greg Abbott said police would "continue down every rabbit trail... ensuring that we eliminate any other possible suspects or co-conspirators".

Officials on Friday had spoken of a co-ordinated attack by at least one other sniper. Micah Johnson was said to have toured in Afghanistan and was also a member of the US Army reserves so he had military skills. One thing we all now know is that he hated POLICE!

With files from BBC

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