, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: 11yo #Toronto boy Ephraim Brown killed 7/22/07 REMEMBERED 9 years later

Friday, July 22, 2016

11yo #Toronto boy Ephraim Brown killed 7/22/07 REMEMBERED 9 years later

It's July 22nd again. This page was dedicated to him. 9 years of his life snuffed from him. He was only 11yo.

One word #RIPEphraimBrown

He would have been 19 going on 20yo in September. Google Ephraim Brown Murder Toronto, Canada. It happened behind my apartment on Shepard and Jane street when I lived there and this boy's death made me a gun violence activist I'm known for today. We need more awareness of reckless use of firearms. The killers were acquitted and were later arrested for new crimes.  I can't go on. I'm in tears!--KOO 

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