, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: A violent week in Police involved shooting across #America

Saturday, July 9, 2016

A violent week in Police involved shooting across #America

    A mass protest blocked roads in Atlanta, Georgia, but was peaceful, 8 July
    In Tennessee, a black army veteran killed a woman and also injured three other people, including a police officer, as he opened fire on a motorway on Thursday morning, before the Dallas attacks. After his arrest, Lakeem Keon Scott told investigators he was troubled by police violence against African-Americans
    In Missouri on Friday, a police officer was shot from behind after he walked back to his patrol car to check the driving status of a black man who he had stopped. Antonio Taylor, 31, was later arrested but the motive for the shooting is unknown
    In Georgia on Friday, an officer was shot after he responded to a call from a man who said his car had been broken into. Again the motive is unknown
    Early on Saturday in Houston, police shot dead a man they said had pointed a gun at officers in a street. Tweets under the #Alvabraziel hashtag said he was black, with some suggesting he was shot 10 times and questioning whether he was armed

    In the Georgian state capital, Atlanta, on Friday evening, thousands marched in protest at the recent police shootings but although roads were blocked off the demonstration remained peaceful.

    Protests against police killings were also held in other cities including Houston, New Orleans and San Francisco. In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, protesters chanted "no justice, no peace, no racist police".

    There have been some arrests at the rallies, but again they were peaceful.
    With files from BBC

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