, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: Murdered rapper #RIPLorScoota was targeted for his success says brother

Friday, July 1, 2016

Murdered rapper #RIPLorScoota was targeted for his success says brother

Lor Scoota's brother Snoop tells investigative reporter Jayne Miller that he was killed simply for rising  to the top. I believe it. The jealousy that comes in rap music today is astounding.
Scoota's brother, Snoop, blames what's known as the crab bucket theory -- as you start to climb out, someone else pulls you back -- for the killing. The rapper's career was starting to gain ground, and Snoop said that became the problem.

"My little brother knew for you to make it in this city, you gotta do it yourself. Nobody is going to do it for you," Snoop said.

Scoota's killing remains an open case. The 23-year-old was shot and killed Saturday evening in full daylight by an unknown gunman at a busy intersection on Harford Road. He had just left an anti-violence event at Morgan State University.

Snoop said he believes that Scoota was targeted because someone was jealous.

"I think it's about a lot of hate in this city that lot of people are refusing to stop. It's like, find your own way out, you know? Don't look for someone else to find your way out for you. Find your own way out," Snoop said.

Scoota's music was gaining attention outside Baltimore, largely on the strength of his song "Bird Flu."

Asked whether he is suggesting that Scoota was killed because he was succeeding, Snoop said, "Correct, and that's the only reason."

With files from WBAL TV

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