, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: #Ferguson police identify officer in Michael Brown shooting

Sunday, August 17, 2014

#Ferguson police identify officer in Michael Brown shooting

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson identified Darren Wilson as the officer who fatally shot Michael Brown. The killing of the unarmed teen sparked protests and violence in the St. Louis suburb. He is said to have fled town with his family. But a big mistake was committed by the police themselves. The police did NOT snitch! Now I can't get people to snitch to police in the shooting this morning after the imposed curfew.

Ferguson Police still hasn't released the officer's picture. He's been a cop for 6 years and the Chief didn't take questions saying the press will get a package. It gets more sickening daily and Journalists have even ben arrested and teargassed by Chief Tom Jackson's men. Watch the video.

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