, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: Sound Technician and 'Cops' Show Crew Member Killed By #Omaha Cops

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sound Technician and 'Cops' Show Crew Member Killed By #Omaha Cops

A crew member embedded with Omaha police while filming the TV show Cops was fatally shot by police during a robbery Monday night.

Bryce Dion, a sound technician for the long-running show, was shot during the course of an armed robbery at an Omaha Wendy's. He was killed by "friendly fire," according to police.

The suspect, who was armed with what was later discovered to be an Airsoft rifle, was also shot and died.

"We are deeply saddened and shocked by this tragedy and our main concern is helping his family in way we can," Langley Productions, which produces Cops, said in a statement. "Bryce Dion was a long-term member of the Cops team and a very talented and dedicated person."

Cops, a reality series in which camera crews are embedded with law enforcement, has been shooting in Omaha since June. The series has been on air since 1989.

Three officers in connection with the shooting have been placed on leave, police said during a press conference Tuesday.

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