, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: "Warning SHOT" Gun Bill passed in #Florida and now going to get Governor Scott's signature!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

"Warning SHOT" Gun Bill passed in #Florida and now going to get Governor Scott's signature!

'Warning Shot Bill'

The Florida Senate has approved the so-called 'warning shot' bill, which now heads to Governor Rick Scott to be signed into law. The bill passed 32-7 on Thursday.

Sponsored by Sen. Greg Evers, a Republican from Pensacola, the bill has garnered attention due to the Marissa Alexander case in Jacksonville. Alexander is out on bail and awaiting a new trial after originally being sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing a gun near her estranged husband during an altercation.

The new bill addresses the "10-20-Life" sentencing law in self-defense cases. Passed in 1999, the "10-20-Life" law requires lengthy sentences for specific felony firearm convictions. Supporters say it wasn't intended to be used in self-defense cases.

Opponents of the proposed changes worry they will encourage more people to fire shots.What are your thoughts on this passing?

Check out the bill here.

Meanwhile Floridians are speaking on Facebook news pages below. 

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