, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: Chicago woman Leonore Draper helps organize ANTI-VIOLENCE event, raises funds then GUNNED down in her car from STRAY bullet.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Chicago woman Leonore Draper helps organize ANTI-VIOLENCE event, raises funds then GUNNED down in her car from STRAY bullet.

TRAGIC DEATH: A woman is shot to death on the South side just minutes after attending an anti-violence event in her neighborhood.

Police say Leonore Draper may have been caught in the crossfire in a possible drive-by shooting near Throop and 116th in the West Pullman neighborhood. They found her with a bullet in her arm and chest in her car. Chicago please STOP!!

Friends say Draper had just attended an anti-violence event and fundraiser for Project Orange Tree, which hopes to help empower youths to break the cycle of violence.

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