, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: Promising Teen Athlete Michael Flournoy SHOT DEAD in #Chicago After speaking with a girl!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Promising Teen Athlete Michael Flournoy SHOT DEAD in #Chicago After speaking with a girl!

SIMEON STUDENT SLAIN: Crisis counselors are expected at Chicago’s Simeon High School this morning following the shooting death of 16-year-old student athlete Michael Flournoy. The promising sophomore, who was a football player and wrestler, was shot and killed Saturday night outside of a church in the city’s Burnside neighborhood. 

Details: Activists are offering a reward for information about the death of Michael Flournoy, as counselors meet Monday with the 16-year-old's classmates at Simeon Career Academy.

Flournoy was fatally shot Saturday night. He was on his way to a movie when he stopped to speak with a group of girls. Chicago police told his mother that Flournoy and one of the girl's boyfriends argued and then shot Flournoy in the head.

"He wanted to be several things. Wrestler, architect, computer programing, you know what I'm saying? He was full of life," Mitchell Flournoy, victim's great uncle, said. 

The 16-year old football player and wrestler died in front of Saint Anthony Church on East 93rd Street.

"At the end of the day, we were talking about it in the auditorium, how so many have been lost from Simeon. It's hard handling it," Deondre Ward, wrestling teammate, said.

Many of his classmates at Simeon heard about Flournoy's death over the weekend through social media.

"Violence gonna always be around. If you just keep focusing and trying to do your best, it'll work out for you. It's just, the streets got to him," Earskin Leach, friend, said.

"Michael he was a student-athlete first. He wanted to get his grades better. He had a positive attitude and wanted to be something positive. We just have to remind our children to remain positive in such a negative society," the Rev. Renaldo Kyles, CPS counselor, said.

Chicago police have identified a suspect, but he has not been charged.

Flournoy was in a wrestling club, the Southside Scramblers. They're raising money for his funeral at

"it's tough for any parent to bury their child like that. It's not something uou plan for. You plan for college. You plan for prom. Nobody plans for this," David Burchett, Simeon wrestling coach, said.

"It was really hard for me to just wake up and know that one of our teammates is gone," Jeremiah Delt, wrestling teammate, said.

Flournoy's death was one of two homicides over the weekend in Chicago.

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