, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: Student Gunman dead after SHOOTING another student at Portland Oregon Area school.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Student Gunman dead after SHOOTING another student at Portland Oregon Area school.

A shooter opened fire at a suburban Portland, Oregon, high school Tuesday morning, killing a male student, authorities said.

The gunman, who officials said used a rifle, is also dead.

Police say the situation at Reynolds High School in Troutdale was "stabilized" an hour after initial calls came in at 8:07 a.m. (11:07 a.m. ET), just as the school day was beginning.

A student told NBC station KGW of Portland that he heard two gunshots and then saw the gunman, who was not wearing a mask, chasing physical education teacher Todd Rispler down a hall. Rispler said he was grazed on his hip but was OK.

"I was really scared, and I wanted to get with my family," the student said.

Junior Jacob Saldana, 16, told NBC News that almost immediately after he got to school, a receptionist told him there was a lockdown and pulled him to a supply closet where a few other students and about six or seven other administrators were taking shelter. One of them was Rispler, who Saldana said was bleeding from a graze wound on his hip.

"He was kind of traumatized and very quiet. He was walking it off," said Jacob. "He was very strong about it."

Really how can America end this problem. I raised my kids into adults over there in the 90's when children were being killed daily in schools. It still has not stopped.

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