, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: 3 year old #Hopewell #Virginia boy accidentally SHOOTS TWIN BROTHER!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

3 year old #Hopewell #Virginia boy accidentally SHOOTS TWIN BROTHER!

A three-year-old boy reportedly gunned down his twin brother accidentally in a Hopewell, Virginia apartment on Monday morning. The .25 caliber bullet entered the child behind and went up into his abdomen, he was immediately rushed to the hospital by his mom while the other boy who fired the gun was taken from the apartment by the mom’s boyfriend before police arrived at the scene.

 His car was later impounded by the police and they reportedly recovered two handguns, but many of the facts are still unknown. Via WTVR: “In the hood you hear one story but the real story isn’t out yet,” resident Joe Marsh told WTVR. Hopewell Police Chief John Keohane confirmed one undeniable fact, “There was a child that got his hands on a firearm and used it.” The boy who fired the gun was reportedly injured on his hand.

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