, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: "The Voice" singer Christina Grimmie Gunned down at #Orlando concert #RIPChristina

Saturday, June 11, 2016

"The Voice" singer Christina Grimmie Gunned down at #Orlando concert #RIPChristina

<a href="">Christina Grimmie</a>, who finished third on season 6 of NBC's "The Voice," died June 11 after being shot  following a concert in Orlando.

This is just too sad. I am so shocked. Hours before what would be her last concert, singer Christina Grimmie jovially invited fans to see her show in a video that she posted on social media on Friday afternoon.

Before the day was done, the former star of NBC's "The Voice" would be dead, a man armed with two guns walked up to the 22-year-old singer as she was signing autographs late Friday night and opened fire, Orlando, Florida police spokeswoman Wanda Miglio said.The gunman fatally shot himself after Grimmie's brother tackled him, according to authorities.

"Her brother is a hero for saving and stopping him from not hurting anyone else," Miglio said.
The singer had performed at The Plaza Live theater Friday night, along with the band Before You Exit, when the shooting broke out. She was rushed to a hospital in critical condition and died a few hours later. the description on her twitter page read:

"All the disadvantages of this world are due to the insecurities of the person himself's ability. -Ken Kaneki" 

The shooter was definitely an insecure person. I hope the police knows who he is. We are now at a phase where singers will be moving around now with heavily armed security.

A last tweet was posted on her account and it simply read "The End". This is so tragic. #RIPChristina

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