, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: #Delaware Gov Markell just CLOSED A DEADLY gun purchase loophole.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

#Delaware Gov Markell just CLOSED A DEADLY gun purchase loophole.

Delaware Governor Jack Markell just signed a bill to close a deadly loophole in Delaware's laws.

This bill, sponsored by Sen. Brian Townsend and Representative Valerie Maglio Longhurst, closes a deadly gap known as the "Charleston Loophole," which allows dangerous people to legally buy a gun without passing a background check -- just because the check wasn't completed within three business days.

This is a huge victory, and it's thanks to our grassroots supporters who never backed down to the gun lobby's opposition. We've got momentum, and we're going to keep it up and continue build the gun sense movement in Delaware.

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