, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: Lots of FAKE bidders on auctioning of George Zimmerman GUN that killed Trayvon Martin

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Lots of FAKE bidders on auctioning of George Zimmerman GUN that killed Trayvon Martin

Zimmerman and Martin

The man infamously known to have killed American teen Trayvon Martin is auctioning his gun and bidding has reached $65M.The sale has been plagued by fake bidders including "Racist McShootface".

George Zimmerman, who shot and killed the teenager, had planned to auction what he called "an American icon" on the website Gun Broker on Thursday.

But the web posting was removed just as the auction was due to begin with a reserve price of $5,000 (£3,450).

United Gun Group is now hosting the auction.

In a statement on Twitter they defended the sale of the gun on their site. They were "truly sorry" for the Martin family's loss but said it was their goal to "defend liberty".

"Unless the law has been violated, it is the intention of the United Gun Group to allow its members to use any of the available features. While not always popular this is where we stand."