, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: OPINION: Journalism is NOT a crime! Reporters were ARRESTED in #Ferguson #Flashback

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

OPINION: Journalism is NOT a crime! Reporters were ARRESTED in #Ferguson #Flashback

OPINION: And why the hell were Journalists arrested in#Fergurson #Missouri? We work hard to bring people the news. Journalism is not a crime. You tear gassed us so we can't film. Watch this photo get a Pulitzer next year, police assholes. I'm not one to HATE police. I've actually supported them despite the fact that the racist Covington police locked me up for 6 months in 2005 for disrespecting Judge Lisa Baig who endangered my son allowing him to be sexually assaulted at 4 years old. What happened in Fergurson is the failure of militarizing police that backfired.

You idiots have RUINED My #GUNVIOLENCE activism @Snitchlady on twitter, Facebook and instagram.

You have allowed people not to ever believe in police and you have showed the community NEVER TO SNITCH simply by HIDING THAT OFFICERS NAME FOR OVER A WEEK. Nobody knew Michael Brown's KILLER!!

My job is to encourage the public NEVER TO HIDE the name of a shooter from police, snitch it in for a reward at crimstoppers and get a conviction. I did it 18 times in Canada and never claimed any of my rewards so Ferguson police, you did not lead by EXAMPLE.

YOU FOOLS should go to my new snitching and start to make a difference.

Black ppl, enough of the looting and disturbing the peace. Don't let these racist animals ruin us by confirming we are the real animals. Sit your ass down at home. Michel has now been confirmed as a robbery suspect. The same thing he allegedly did is what many young men did out there in form of looting. I lived in the United States 30 years and 5 years in Canada. I know the system well. Back here in Africa we are all watching...expect my opinion articles in your papers soon. I have also reopened my old Canadian page which I want to use to archive this historical story.



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