, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: UPDATE: Carnage in #Kenya as 22 #Nairobi shoppers are dead and 500 plus injured #Westgateattack

Saturday, September 21, 2013

UPDATE: Carnage in #Kenya as 22 #Nairobi shoppers are dead and 500 plus injured #Westgateattack

Westgate Mall, Nairobi 9/20/13 Photo Credits/Reuters Thomoas Mukoya/Goran Tomasevic
10am this morning, everything changed. It was like I was there with all the wires and photos coming in my inbox. I have been on this story for 15 hours. It should never happen here in this mall. Our Nigerian Police need to watch this. It can happen here!! How do you deal with this at Palms mall in Lekki and other malls in Lagos. We have no aerial monitoring like Kenya. Look at the disaster here. NPF officer Saheed Omosanya will tell you how long we have been talking about the aerial monitoring and forensics Nigeria needs. Kenya has that. People think Boko Haram insurgents cannot do this in a mall. They are already preliminarily POINTING AT AL-SHABBAB!! The gunmen were firing mostly at non muslims. If u wore a hijab today, u were LUCKY! Investigators are officially calling it a terrorist attack.