, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: #BREAKING: #Gunmen attack #Kenya's #Westgate Mall

Saturday, September 21, 2013

#BREAKING: #Gunmen attack #Kenya's #Westgate Mall

Gunmen open fire inside a shopping centre named Westgate mall in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, reports say. Authorities are telling me that they have no definite numbers of fatalities or injuries but sources in the mall state that four people have been injured but not confirmed or certain if it was gunfire related. The interior Ministry thru twitter were urging people at the #WestgateMall to keep calm.

"We call on the media to let us evacuate the victims first before you can interview them. We're doing our job to ensure that everyone is evacuated to safety. This is a scene of crime let @PoliceKE do their job"

UPDATE: They are now saying there are in fact armed bandits in that mall in the tweet above with air surveillance dispatched and the gun battle has left FOUR DEAD!! This has to do with an armored car heist. All the robbers have not been accounted for and several people are being rushed to the Aga Khan hospital.

Stay tuned for more updates @HipHossip on twitter