, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: @STLCountyPD Caught MOCKING Tamir Rice Shooting in #Cleveland THEN DELETES TWEET!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

@STLCountyPD Caught MOCKING Tamir Rice Shooting in #Cleveland THEN DELETES TWEET!

Matthew Champion of the Independent wrote: This tweet was sent from a verified police account. Today, the police force in the county where Michael Brown was killed decided to weigh in on a killing of another unarmed black youth.

In a tweet and Facebook post that have now both been deleted, the St Louis County Police Department flippantly discussed the case of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old boy shot by police in Cleveland, Ohio, because he was playing with a toy gun.

The social media posts are especially insensitive given they come a day after a grand jury in New York announced it would not indict a white police officer who placed a black man in an outlawed chokehold - a chokehold from which 43-year-old Eric Garner died.

I was critical of the shooting of Tamir with no CPR immediately after as teh officers waited when they could have taken the BB gun. The gun issue will be a major topic of my activism @Snitchlady twitter in 2015.

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