, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: #HNNCrime 15 people #SHOT so far this weekend in #Chicago.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

#HNNCrime 15 people #SHOT so far this weekend in #Chicago.

From the homicide, 51/King. #Chicago
Is the city going down again? Look at this picture. Since Friday one person has died and 14 injured in separate shootings all over Chicago, Illinois, USA. This young man was only 20-year-old! Gun shot wound to the head and then comes Raason Shaw shooting which was a police involved shooting.

As a guns victims advocate, I have been saying this from day one in Canada? When our boys kill each other, we don't talk. We need to disarm them and make sure they don't own guns or in possession of an illegal one. They are going to use it! Now when they point it at a cop, the cop kills them and we go NUTS! Wake up black communities. It's time we get away from these stereotypes. What was Raasan doing with a Glock semi-automatic handgun with a laser sight and extended high-capacity magazine which was recovered at the scene? Truly sad.

Please visit if you still don't understand that gun violence must END globally.

Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo @HNNAfrica twitter/instagram/pinterest/reverbnation/soundcloud/facebook Videos