, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: WHY? #Syrian President Assad regime snipers #SHOOTING #Pregnant moms for target practice!! (GRAPHIC PHOTO)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

WHY? #Syrian President Assad regime snipers #SHOOTING #Pregnant moms for target practice!! (GRAPHIC PHOTO)

An x-ray purportedly showing a foetus with a bullet lodged in its skull
Bullet in fetus brain even before birth
This is beyond sick but why does this kind of thing have to happen? Snipers belonging to the Assad regime in Syria are shooting pregnant women and their unborn babies in a disturbing “game” of target practice, a British surgeon has claimed.

David Nott, who has spent five weeks volunteering in a Syrian hospital, said each day snipers would chose to aim at different parts of the civilians' bodies as they ran from one part of the city to another to buy food and supplies. One day it would be the groin, one day it would be the neck, the next it would be the chest, he told The Times.

“From the first patients that came in in the morning, you could almost tell what you would see for the rest of the day. It was a game. We heard the snipers were winning packets of cigarettes for hitting the correct number of targets.” On one day more than six pregnant women were caught by sniper fire and on another day two heavily pregnant women were targeted. They survived but their unborn babies died, one suffering a bullet to the brain.

“The women were all shot through the uterus, so that must have been where they were aiming for... This was deliberate. It was hell beyond hell,” he told the paper.