, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: GUN VIOLENCE VICTIM Tyson Bailey, 15 #Toronto, Canada (WARNING GRAPHIC)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

GUN VIOLENCE VICTIM Tyson Bailey, 15 #Toronto, Canada (WARNING GRAPHIC)

Star Football player Tyson Bailey, 15

THIRD teen to die at 605 Whiteside Avenue, Toronto, Canada.

One of my appeals for Sealand and Jermaine at 605 Whiteside

The first two at that very location. Sealand White, 15 and Jermaine Derby, 19 has still not been solved. I appealed so much for these two and nothing since 2010, now Tyson. Uncle Snoop attended that funeral I heard. You know he coaches kids in football in his hometown and also part of the No Guns allowed campaign.