, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: #BREAKING: Teen Student SHOT in #ArapahoeHigh Claire Davis has DIED

Sunday, December 22, 2013

#BREAKING: Teen Student SHOT in #ArapahoeHigh Claire Davis has DIED

Colorado high school shooting victim Claire Davis dies. #HNNAfrica was first in the continent to bring you this devastating shooting minutes after it began last week.

The 17-year-old senior who was in a coma after being shot point-blank at a Colorado high school last week died Saturday with her family at her side, hospital officials said. The issue of school shootings and gun control continues in America.

Claire Esther Davis, a senior at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colo., was critically injured when student Karl Halverson Pierson, 18, entered the school building on Dec. 13 armed with a shotgun and Molotov cocktail bombs. So many cards came to her in the hospital.

In a statement posted on the Littleton Adventist Hospital's Facebook page, officials said Claire's injuries "were too severe and the most advanced medical treatments could not prevent this tragic loss of life."

Her family released this statement.
Statement from the Davis Family:

It is with unspeakable sadness that we write and say that Claire has passed away from the gunshot wound she received at Arapahoe High School on December 13, 2013. Although we have lost our precious daughter, we will always be grateful for the indelible journey she took us on over the last 17 years—we were truly blessed to be Claire’s parents. The grace, laughter and light she brought to this world will not be extinguished by her death; to the contrary, it will only get stronger.

Last week was truly a paradox in that we lost our daughter, yet we witnessed the wonderful love that exists in the world through the tremendous outpouring of support we received. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the first responders, the school resource officer, security guard and vice principal at Arapahoe High School, the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s office, and the physicians, nurses and staff at Littleton Adventist Hospital. Each played a significant role in giving Claire a chance to live, and demonstrated extreme amounts of professionalism, courage and love. Please know that we will never forget the extraordinary work you did on Claire’s behalf.

We ask that you give us time to grieve the death of our daughter by respecting our wishes for privacy.
With much loving-kindness,
The Davis Family

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Photo: NBC News