, pub-5348167154863511, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Snitchlady: WELCOME TO THE HIPHOSSIP MUSIC FOUNDATION.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Credits: Keminications Media

For so many years, I have seen some acts that have motivated me to change the world. Gun Violence, Child trafficking and slavery and ending suicide are others. Human trafficking as a whole was a problem for me and people need to be more educated about it.

Here in Nigeria, kids are trafficked into Nigeria from Togo, a nearby country and many are as young as 5 to 12-years-old. You see them working in households and getting no education from schools. They are literary slaves while their parents are getting paid for their work. Others are forced to sell food, clothing and just about anything on the street like the kid above selling fufu.

I wanted to get this awareness out.

My HipHossip Music Foundation aims to end Child slavery, child trafficking and gun violence. I spoke to MTV Voices via twitter last week on elaborating this subject of child brides and also MTVExit on the slavery aspect of it should a girl be forced into marriage.

My causes have begun posting here at and see how you can make a big difference in making the world a better place with music. On and Twitter @HipHossip. Remember the hashtag #HHMF

Dr Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo
@HipHossip @Snitchlady on Twitter